Global Young Leaders @ BB
0They are among the world’s brightest, nominated for leadership, talent and contributions in the social and economic spheres to the World Economic Forum of Young Global Leaders.
40 of them dropped in at Bukit Brown on 23 October 2012, as part of a programme there were attending at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Volunteer Guides, Claire, Catherine, Keng Kiat and Millie took them on a one hour and half tour which only managed to cover three tombs but we still covered a lot of ground in history, heritage and civil engagement.

Our best dressed participants to date, and attentive. Impressed by the women who came in high heels and wedgies who climbed with us (photo Catherine)

A wheel chair participant getting assistance from his team members to the tomb of Ong Sam Leong located at the highest point in Bukit Brown (photo Catherine)

Mates Jaime and Marco help Christian get up to see Ong Sam Leong’s grave, with his wife making sure all are in good shape (Photo: Claire Leow)

Back into the classroom, and a robust discussion on development, after a short presentation of Singapore History from colonial times when civil society had much to contribute under the British” laissez faire” adminstration compared to present times, when the state has stepped in with providing more social services. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Kenneth Tan helmed the one hour session (photo Catherine)