
“Capturing” Heritage – A Photographic Discourse


Calling all heritage and photography buffs:

23 February 2012, Thursday, 7.00pm, NUS MUSEUM
Admission free. To register email:  museum@nus.edu.sg or call 6516 8817 / 8429
A Panel Discussion 
Speakers: Ken Cheong and Zann Huang
In this second installment of THE PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES, we explore the role of photography in relation to heritage, a much-discussed concept that comprises investigation into aspects of history, memory, spaces, and rituals. Used as an instrument of documentation, photography becomes a medium through which these are immortalised through photographs; where slowly-eroding rituals are re-enacted through pixelled motion; and where our ideas about what is recognised and perceived as ‘national’ heritage becomes archived within visual compositions. Along with these arise problems of what is then to be identified as ‘national’ heritage, authentic or fabricated, projecting into larger themes of ownership: whose heritage are we documenting, and why?

Featuring the works of photographers Ken Cheong and Zann Huang, this panel discussion will feature the photographers’ visual documentation and insight into the ritual of the Wayang, as well as spaces like Buangkok and the Bukit Brown Cemetery, trailing into a discussion of how documentation via photography infers and affects our construction of heritage in Singapore.


The photo below is a gate which has 2 stone  benches and is an extension of the tomb located at Blk 1 at Bukit Brown Cemetery, visible from the road. It invites questions as how it came to be a standalone with no surrounding perimeter.

photo credit::Jon Wong

For more of Jon Wong’s photos please visit the  Bukit Brown face book group. Type Jon Wong in the search facility and you can see more of his album.