
Master Maps of Bukit Brown


DIY Tour Map


For self-guiding, please refer to our tour guides and featured tombs. Read up on tips before you visit for full enjoyment and safety. Enjoy the flora and fauna.




Division Map

Division map useful for finding tombs



We are often asked about the distances over Bukit Brown. Cyclists and runners may find these useful:


Route 1 map: 3.9 km


Route 2: 2.2 km


Route 3: 4.6 km


For the greater Bukit Brown cemetery complex:


Master map for greater Bukit Brown (Photo: Mok Ly Ying)


Mok Ly Yng says:

The Seh Ong Cemetery was made up of 5 hills since day 1. Lornie/Adam Road only cut thru the valley between Hill 4/5 (on the golf course side) and the rest of Hills 1-3 on the BBC side. Then later on, PIE came in and cut thru the lower areas of the Hills 1 and 2.

Seh Ong had 5 hills since the area was acquired in the 19th century. Still today, the hill tops are still around, but the ‘body’ of the hills are badly bisected by the two roads (Lornie/Adam Rds and PIE).

Kheam Hock Road also cut thru a valley between the Seh Ong Hills 1 (left) and 2/3 (right), does not affect the hill count.