
Weekend Talks


Complementing the exhibition Bukit Brown : Our Roots, Our Future is a series of talks in English and Mandarin which will be held at the Chui Huay Lin Club, Level 4, 190 Keng Lee. No registration required. Seats are available on a  first-come, first-served basis. Kindly please be seated 15 minutes before the talk. It would  be appreciated if you  could indicate your  attendance by clicking on  the Facebook page : Our Roots, Our Future , look for “events” on the top right hand corner and  click “join” to indicate your attendance in the event page you are interested in. More details on the talks are also available on the Facebook page

为了配合“百年武吉布朗:追古抚今”展览的举行,醉花林和武吉布朗学会将在醉花林会所(190 Keng Lee Rd)四楼演讲室举办一系列座谈会。讲座无需报名,座位有限,先到先得。请于讲座开始前15分钟入席。有兴趣出席讲座的朋友,请在相关的Facebook活动网页右上角点击”Join”,方便我们估计出席人数。