Sun 24 Aug’14 : The Descendants Stories
The Descendants’ Stories – A Guided Walk at Bukit Brown (English)
Sunday 24 August’14 : 9 am – 11.30am
Meeting Place: Bukit Brown Gates at end of Lorong Halwa.
For those who have written in asking about when the next upcoming tours will be:
Please check this blog under events every week for upcoming guided walks. Blog posts should be up by Wednesday. Guided walks are dependent on volunteers schedules but we try our best to organise guided walks every weekend.
The fastest way to find out about upcoming guided walks is to join the Heritage Singapore Bukit Brown facebook group here . The guided walks are generated as event pages from this FB group and are always pinned on top of the page. Please note if you are using a mobile device to access the FB page, you have to click on the pinned posts to get details.
Thank you everyone who wrote in, our apologies, we are unable to respond individually.
To those who have registered and received confirmation, please meet by 9am. Just as you pass enter the Bukit Brown gates, on your left would be the LTA site office. This would be the gathering point of Sunday’s guided walk. See you!
This guided walk is now full.
All Things Bukit Brown* is pleased to curate a new guided walk in conjunction with the exhibition “Bukit Brown: Documenting New Horizons of Knowledge”
About the Walk: News that a highway was to be built across Bukit Brown in 2011 led some descendants who had lost touch with their ancestral tombs to embark on a quest to find them. Some of those who were successful shared their stories of reconnecting with their ancestors and family oral history with the volunteers on the ground, called Brownies.
In this tour, Brownies will share stories recounted to them by descendants they have met and who have become friends. But the highlight of this guided walk is the descendants, who will share their stories first hand at the tombs of their ancestors.
Noreen Chan is the descendant of a long line of influential and wealthy “compradors” – the business relationship managers of the old banking regime. At the tomb of Chia Hood Theam, Noreen will recount stories of her maternal great-great grandfather’s frugality and contributions to women’s education from family oral traditions and historical records.
In Tiong Bahru, Singapore’s earliest housing estate, is a street named after Lim Liak (Leack). Lim Soon Hoe, a descendant of the 6th generation, will unravel the history of Lim Leack’s contributions to the mining industry in the region and his personal search for the family’s private burial grounds in a place today translated as “New Cemetery”.
The Brownies will reveal who is the inspiration behind Emily of the award- winning play “Emily of Emerald Hill” and share how a descendant “re-fengshui’ed” her great grandfather’s tomb upon discovery in 2012.
The guided walk will end at the largest family tomb cluster in Singapore, the “Ong Sam Leong” tomb cluster featured in the exhibition poster – the jewel in the crown of Bukit Brown due to its sheer size.
Disclaimer: By agreeing to take walking tours of Bukit Brown Cemetery, I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so.To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward) Please read if you are attending our guided walks for the first time, useful info on safety : Getting There/游览信息
*All Things Bukit Brown is the banner for a group of volunteers called “Brownies” who conduct regular weekend guided walks and do independent research on the heritage, habitat and history of Bukit Brown. To date, they have guided almost 12,000 people since they started their guided walks at the beginning of 2012.
Growing up in de bkt brown village n my ancestors buried just behind our house.I m always very curious to know who is buried in those graves around them,from young I ve heard abt ong san leong’s grave n other seh ong forefathers fr my elders,but never a chance to take a look at those hope tis time,I wil ve a chance to do so.thks n gd day
Hi Kim Choo,
Would you like to join this guided walk? I will save a space for you and we would love for you to share your memories with us. Please let me know. I will hold a place for you till Wednesday.
signing up for 2
Confirming 2 places for you (no 2 & 3) See you on Sunday.
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Hi, I would like to register for one pax for this walk.
Confirm you have a place (no 4)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Please register me for 24th Aug BBC tour for one person. Thanks.
Prof Huang,
Confirm you have a place (no 5)
Sorry . . . something urgent has cropped up and I am unable to attend this event. Please offer my place asap to those on the waiting list.
Noted. Thanks for letting us know.
3 pax please. Thank you.
Confirm you have 3 places (no 6,7, 8)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
I would like to register a place for myself.
Chuan Kim,
Confirm you have a place (no 9)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Yes,I will attend. C u then
Pls register 3 places for my family of 3. Thanks heaps. Cherylyap:)
Cheryl Yap,
Confirm you have 3 places. (no 10,11, 12)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
HI, I’d like to sign up for Aug 24, for 1. Thanks, Ai Lin.
Ai Lin,
Confirm you have a place (you are number 13!,lucky for some
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
I would like to register for one place
Confirm you have a place. (no 14)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
I think you guys are doing a great job and ought to be recognized by all Singaporeans. I hope to get a space for this guided walk. Thank you.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention I am registering for one place only.
Chey Cheng,
Confirm you have a place (no 15) . Thank you for your kind comments earlier.
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
I would like to register for 5 adults please.
Nai Min,
Confirm you have 5 places (nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Hi, I would love to learn their precious stories and these pioneers of Singapore.
Please include me, thank you!
Confirm you have a place on this guided walk (no 22)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
One more for me please, thanks!
Nai Min,
Noted you now have 6 places (nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, 21)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
1pax. Registering for a slot (my prof has contacted miss Catherine lim regarding this)
Confirm you have a place (no 24)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Hi! I’ll like to have 2 tickets, please.
Yu Wei
Oops, I mean I would like to register for 2 persons, not 2 tickets….
Yu Wei,
Confirm you have 2 places (no 25 n 26)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
I can’t make it for this session, but would love to chat more with the person organising this guided walk. Could you please contact me via email (or let me know an address I can email to?) Thank you!
The organisers are All Things Bukit Brown, you may email us at
Hi, one pax for the tour
Confirm you have one place (no 27)
I would like to register for 2 pax pls.
You are confirmed for the last 2 places (no 28 n 29)
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Hi, this is xiuyu here. Sorry but I realize I have something on that day. Can I cancel my place? May I know when the trail will be held again.
Thanks for informing us. Your spot has been released. No immediate plans to organise another descendants guided walk. Please check blog under events for our regular weekend guided walks or the fastest way to check on guided walks as and when they are available depending on volunteers schedules is join this group
The event for guided walks are generated from this group and always pinned on top.
Pls could you put me on your wait list (Sund. 24th August) for 2 pax. Thanks a lot
Hi Anne,
You are no 1&2 on wait list.
Anne, confirming you have 2 places on this walk.
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Thks so much. We look forward to this tour!
Could you pls give us an update whether we can join tmrw?
Thank you very much.
pls me on on the wait list for 1 pax
Hi PT,
You are number 3 on waitlist
Meeting point is now, within the grounds, just as you enter the main gates at end of Lorong Halwa, on your left is the site office , we will gather there. Parking is also available in that area.
Got it thank you!
Sorry, but I’m unable to make it for the walk as something has cropped up. Appreciate if you can release my slot for others who are keen to attend.
Is there a possibility of this walk being repeated in the near future, if there is significant interest? Thank you!
Please advise when will the next bukit brown heritage walk be held ?
I am unable to join the one organized for 24 aug 14. Thanks
Please read the updated blog post for how to find out about future guided walks. Thank you
hi, can i join your tomorrow walk?
Sorry it was full.