
Tours 2!


We are resuming weekend public tours as promised after Qing Ming from 21st April to May 13th. Our committed band of volunteer guides who will guide in pairs will be conducting tours over the next 4 weekends with standard times from 9 am – 11 am, meeting at the ‘ole raintree just as you enter the gates of Bukit Brown Cemetery. Please look out for updates on this page.

The only exception is the tour on Saturday 28th April which is jointly organised by AWARE – the womens’ group and bukitbrown.com and registration is recorded with a fee of $15 per head. Please scroll down for more information on this.

A reminder that there is a children’s heritage and habitat ramble by Nature Society on 21st April where registration is required

March 25 tour: at Tan Yong Thian's tomb with Rosalind (photo: Claire Leow)


Visit to Bukit Brown
28. April. 2012. Saturday
From 9.30am to 12noon.

Image by Tia of http://urbansketchers-singapore.blogspot.com/


“Over half of the 20 million migrants who left China from 1840 to 1940 passed through Singapore. Many of them chose to live and work in Singapore. Singapore is thus a critical site in understanding all aspects of the history of the Chinese diaspora. This, in turn will help us to understand the important role of Singapore in the history of Asia over the last two hundred years.The graves at Bukit Brown are an important historical resource that can be found in few other parts of Asia, and in none that are so central as Singapore. It is greatly desirable that they can be preserved.”

Adam McKeown
Associate Professor of History
Columbia University

Come join us on a customised tour of some of the graves at Bukit Brown to understand tomb design, the symbolism for descendants, the inscriptions and what they tell us of Singapore’s early history, hear the stories and enjoy the delicate carvings in a lush setting of towering Albizzia trees, listen to stories about pioneering women and men who were supportive of education and equal rights for women. We will also touch on Bukit Brown as a battlefield during the war, where mass communal graves are found. Bukit Brown is an open classroom, a walk through history, a nature ramble.

This tour is organised jointly by all things Bukit Brown: Heritage. Habitat. History. Their educational blog, bukitbrown.com, is run by volunteers who share information for self-guiding tours and personal research.

This tour is open for AWARE members and volunteers only. Details of the tour are as follows:

Date:      28 April 2012, Saturday
9.30am to 12.00pm
Venue:  Bukit Brown
Fees:     S$ 15.00 per person

Please register with Evon at evon@aware.org.sg before 20 April 2012.

For more information on how to get there, safety tips, please click here

For maps that would help facilitate further visits after the introductory tours please click here