Advocacy Awards 2014
All Things Bukit Brown is pleased to announce that it is the first recipient of the Civil Society Advocate Organisation of the Year Award in the inaugural Singapore Advocacy Awards. This is our acceptance speech at the ceremony on August 30, 2014. “We are honoured and humbled to have been deemed deserving to receive this award by a dedicated and diverse panel of activists, many of whom have worked tirelessly and for a much longer time on a […]
Romancing Taiping 2
A photo essay by Simone Lee “I was a little apprehensive at the beginning. Even as a Malaysian, I’ve never heard of anyone raving about a visit to Taiping. But while we were there, I fell in love…………” Simone Lee Romancing Taiping 1 continues with part 2 as Simone Lee takes you through to sights and sounds from cemeteries – of course – to temples and museums. Hokkien Cemetery The most valuable tomb in Taiping belongs to Ng Boo Bee. […]
“Ullambana” Festival
“Ullambana” Festival by Bukit Timah Seu Teck Sean Tong @ Tangling Halt. by Sugen Raniah The Ullambana Festival is observed and celebrated by the Buddhists during the Seventh Lunar Month. The Sanskrit term, ‘Ullambana’, refers to the compassion for all beings suffering in the realms of misery. The observance of this festival is based on a discourse by the Buddha – where Maudgalyayana, a disciple of the Buddha, discovers that his mother, Lady Niladhi, had been reborn into the […]
Sun 31 Aug’14 Morning Guided Walks
There will be 2 morning guided walks this Sun 31 August. Disclaimer: By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit Brown Cemetery, I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so.To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward) Meeting Point for all Guided Walks: At the Bukit Brown entrance gates […]
武吉布朗展览系列华语讲座 2014年9月20日(星期六) 地点:新加坡国家图书馆5楼,Possibility Room 2-3pm坟墓建筑(主讲者:赖启健博士) 3-4pm 说书的石头—武吉布朗坟场坟墓石雕中的故事(主讲者:洪毅瀚先生) 4-5pm 记录武吉布朗:地图与制图(主讲人:莫缕勇先生) 如欲出席讲座,请在下列网站登记: 坟墓建筑 主讲者:赖启健博士 武吉布朗坟场的坟墓建筑是它独特物质文化的一部分,为新加坡和本区域以及中国南方之间在社会、文化和经济上的联系提供不少重要的资料。讲座将探讨武吉布朗坟墓建筑的记录和这项工作的重要性。主讲者也将利用纸模型让出席讲座的孩童对 坟墓健 筑有更深一层的认识。 赖启健博士,新加坡注册建筑师,新加坡国立大学建筑系硕士(1996),美国加州大学柏克莱建筑与都市设计系博士(2005)。他的研究领域为东南亚艺术、建筑、聚落、都市化和景观的历史。 说书的石头—武吉布朗坟场坟墓石雕中的故事 主讲者:洪毅瀚先生 武吉布朗坟场的坟墓石雕数量庞大、题材丰富,堪称海外华人坟场中的石雕大观园,早年精湛的手工石雕艺术作品随处可见。坟场内许多雕刻精美的石质坟墓构建丝毫不受岁月的洗礼损坏,让百年后的游人有机会一睹它们的风采。无论是江山美人、择贤用才、事亲尽孝或是神话志怪,流传千百年的民间故事和历史典故在石匠的巧手下生动地呈现。 这次讲座将通过大量的图片介绍石雕中的故事题材。 洪毅瀚,工程师,工余参与武吉布朗坟场导览活动和历史文化项目研究,曾在bukitbrown.com网站发表关于武吉布朗坟场坟墓装饰题材的博文。 记录武吉布朗:地图与制图 主讲人:莫缕勇先生 在记录武吉布朗文史的过程中,工作团队搜集到了不少非常珍贵和罕见的历史地图和空中照片。主讲人莫缕勇先生将在讲座中呈现这些历史地图和空中照片。同时也会分享一些地图和空中照片中有趣的细节。在另外一方面,由于坟场受到开路工程的影响,约有4000座坟墓需迁移。为了记录这些坟墓的确切位置,有关当局测量了每一座坟墓的地理坐标。主讲人也会讲解这一测量和绘制坟场地图的过程和结果。 莫缕勇是武吉布朗文史记录工作小组和工作委员会的成员。目前从事地理资讯系统(GIS)的咨询工作,也是地图发烧友及研究者。在武吉布朗文史记录团队里负责研究历史地图与处理地理资讯和绘制地图的工作。曾在新加坡制图单位任职和国家挡案馆工作,是伦敦皇家地理学会会士。 Public Talks in association with the Bukit Brown Exhibition (In Mandarin) Saturday, 20 September 2014 2-3pm Speaker: Dr Lai Chee Kien Title: Tomb Architecture 3-4pm Speaker: Ang Yik Han Title: Story Telling Stones – Tales from the Stone Carvings of Bukit Brown Cemetery 4-5pm Speaker: Mok Ly Yng Title: Documenting Bukit Brown: Maps and […]
Celebrating Our Bukit Brown, Our People, Our Home NDP’14
Singapore is 49 and Bukit Brown is 92! The invitation went out weeks before on the blog, on Facebook, the event of the year at Bukit Brown, celebrating the nation’s birthday. Thank you to all who came, regulars, first timers, old and young, singers and well wishers. The official NDP’14 theme was a good fit : NDP ’14 (Nations Deceased Pioneers) @ Bukit Brown this year honours the “can do” and caring spirit of our pioneers who helped to […]
Sun 24 Aug’14 : The Descendants Stories
The Descendants’ Stories – A Guided Walk at Bukit Brown (English) Sunday 24 August’14 : 9 am – 11.30am Meeting Place: Bukit Brown Gates at end of Lorong Halwa. For those who have written in asking about when the next upcoming tours will be: Please check this blog under events every week for upcoming guided walks. Blog posts should be up by Wednesday. Guided walks are dependent on volunteers schedules but we try our best to organise guided […]
Talks for Bukit Brown The Exhibition
As part of the exhibition, Bukit Brown: Documenting New Horizons of Knowledge, a series of English (Sun 17 Aug’ 14) and Mandarin ( Sat 20th Sept’14) Public Talks have been programmed by the documentation team under Dr. Hui Yew-Foong. Location: Possibility Room on Level 5 (Look out for guided walks in English and Mandarin specially curated by All Things Bukit Brown to complement the exhibition/talk when you attend the talks,details to be posted later) Date: Sunday 17th August (English) Registration […]
ND Talks@Esplanade 10 August’14
National Day Celebrations@ Esplanade is here again with an exhibition :”Our Brick Estate” and a series of talks on Sunday 10th August’14 Venue: library@esplanade (Open Stage) Sunday 10th August’14: Talks 3pm – 3.45 pm Our Brick Estate by Lai Chee Kien (赖启健) Our island-city’s early foundations were laid at a time when the building material industry flourished. Join architectural and urban historian Lai Chee Kien as he traces the history of our local brick industry, from the early colonial […]
“Chao-du” @ Bukit Brown
Preamble : Hungry Ghost Festival Saturday, 26th July was the eve of what is popularly known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, and less well known by its traditional name of Zhongyuan Jie, which in essence is also about honouring ancestors. It takes place at the start of the Chinese 7th lunar month, and it is when the gates of hell open and the spirits of dead are free to wander among the living for a month. To appease […]
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