Saturday 5th October 9am – 11.30 am
Stories of Ladies in the Straits Settlements
The female community in Singapore have come a long way. Join our lady Brownies as they tell stories of bravery, achievements, affluence, friendship and struggles in the lives of some ladies buried at Bukit Brown.
Bukit Brown. More than a cemetery. More than a Chinese cemetery.
Come discover our heritage, history and habitat.
LTA has released news on exhumation and tender for road building. Take this opportunity to experience Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery as it is now.
How to get there and handy tips here:
By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit brown cemetery I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so. To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward)
Registration: Our weekend public tours are FREE …
Optimally the group size is 30 participants (15 individuals/guide).
Please click ‘Join’ on the FB event page to let us know you are coming, how many pax are turning up. Or just meet us at the starting point at 9am.
Meeting Point: Bukit Brown Under the Rain tree at the roundabout.
Brownie Code: We guide rain or shine.
The tour:
Bukit Brown Heritage Park is about 173 acres in extent, bordered by Lornie Road, Thomson Road and the Pan-Island Expressway. It lies just to the south of the Central Catchment Forest, being separated from it by Lornie Road and includes Singapore’s only Chinese Municipal Cemetery. With more than 100,000 graves, Bukit Brown is also one of the largest Chinese cemeteries outside of China.
Don’t forget to bask in the peaceful surrounds, and also chat with your guides and make friends with other participants. We are amateurs and volunteers, but we are passionate and serious about what we do at Bukit Brown, and we encourage sharing of knowledge.
Here is a map of the grounds:
Please take note:
1. We will be walking through the undergrowth so dress appropriately, especially your footwear.
2. Wear light breathable clothing. Long pants and long sleeves if you are prone to insect bites or sunburn. Bring sunblock and natural insect repellent.
3. Wear comfortable non-slip shoes as safety is important. Walking sticks are recommended.
4. Do read up on Bukit Brown before going so you have a better understanding of the place (e.g.
5. Do bring water, light snacks, poncho/umbrella, sunhat and waterproof your electronics.
6. Please go to the toilet before coming. There are NO facilities anywhere there or nearby.
How to get there by MRT / Bus:
Bus services available: 52, 74, 93, 157, 165, 852, 855.
From North: Go to Marymount MRT and walk to bus-stop #53019 along Upper Thomson Road. Take Buses 52, 74, 165, 852, 855
Alight 6 stops later at bus-stop, #41149, opposite Singapore Island Country Club (SICC), Adam Road. Walk towards Sime Road in the direction of Kheam Hock Road until you see Lorong Halwa.
From South: Go to Farrer Road MRT and walk to bus-stop #11111 at Farrer Road, in front of Blocks 2 & 3. Take Buses 93, 165, 852, 855. Alight 5 stops later at bus-stop, #41141, just before Singapore Island Country Club (SICC), Adam Road. Cross the bridge, walk towards Sime Road, follow the road until you see Lorong Halwa.
By car:
Turn in from Lornie Road, to Sime Road. Then, turn left into Lorong Halwa.
Parking space available at the largish paved area near the cemetery gates.
Sunday 29th Sept. Time 8.30am -1o.30am. Meeting: under the ole raintree on the left as you enter
Join Beng Tang on a nature ramble, engage and learn about the birds, bees, fishes and the terrapins.
Wear good walking shoes and bring water, insect repellent and umbrella Walking stick and camera, optional
LTA has released news on exhumation and tender for road building. Take this opportunity to experience Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery as it is.
How to get there and handy tips here:
By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit brown cemetery I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so. To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward)
Registration: Our weekend public tours are FREE …
Optimally the group size is 30 participants (15 individuals/guide).
Please click ‘Join’ on the FB event page to let us know you are coming, how many pax are turning up. Or just meet us at the starting point at 9am.
Meeting Point: Bukit Brown Under the Rain tree at the roundabout.
Brownie Code: We guide rain or shine.
The tour:
Bukit Brown Heritage Park is about 173 acres in extent, bordered by Lornie Road, Thomson Road and the Pan-Island Expressway. It lies just to the south of the Central Catchment Forest, being separated from it by Lornie Road and includes Singapore’s only Chinese Municipal Cemetery. With more than 100,000 graves, Bukit Brown is also one of the largest Chinese cemeteries outside of China.
Don’t forget to bask in the peaceful surrounds, and also chat with your guides and make friends with other participants. We are amateurs and volunteers, but we are passionate and serious about what we do at Bukit Brown, and we encourage sharing of knowledge.
Here is a map of the grounds:
Please take note:
1. We will be walking through the undergrowth so dress appropriately, especially your footwear.
2. Wear light breathable clothing. Long pants and long sleeves if you are prone to insect bites or sunburn. Bring sunblock and natural insect repellent.
3. Wear comfortable non-slip shoes as safety is important. Walking sticks are recommended.
4. Do read up on Bukit Brown before going so you have a better understanding of the place (e.g.
5. Do bring water, light snacks, poncho/umbrella, sunhat and waterproof your electronics.
6. Please go to the toilet before coming. There are NO facilities anywhere there or nearby.
How to get there by MRT / Bus:
Bus services available: 52, 74, 93, 157, 165, 852, 855.
From North: Go to Marymount MRT and walk to bus-stop #53019 along Upper Thomson Road. Take Buses 52, 74, 165, 852, 855
Alight 6 stops later at bus-stop, #41149, opposite Singapore Island Country Club (SICC), Adam Road. Walk towards Sime Road in the direction of Kheam Hock Road until you see Lorong Halwa.
From South: Go to Farrer Road MRT and walk to bus-stop #11111 at Farrer Road, in front of Blocks 2 & 3. Take Buses 93, 165, 852, 855. Alight 5 stops later at bus-stop, #41141, just before Singapore Island Country Club (SICC), Adam Road. Cross the bridge, walk towards Sime Road, follow the road until you see Lorong Halwa.
By car:
Turn in from Lornie Road, to Sime Road. Then, turn left into Lorong Halwa.
Parking space available at the largish paved area near the cemetery gates.
Two guided walks this weekend one in English, the other Mandarin
Saturday 14 Sept – 9am – 11.30am
Meeting Point: Bukit Brown Under the Rain tree at the roundabout
Join Jonathan on a tour of Hill 2 & 5 and visit tombs of some of Singapore’s pioneers, learn about tomb designs and carvings, and enjoy the nice walk through Bukit Brown’s greenery.
Bukit Brown. More than a cemetery. More than a Chinese cemetery.
Come discover our heritage, history and habitat.
LTA has released news on exhumation and tender for road building. Take this opportunity to experience Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery as it is now.
How to get there and handy tips here:
By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit brown cemetery I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so. To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward)
Registration: Our weekend public tours are FREE …
Optimally the group size is 30 participants (15 individuals/guide).
Please click ‘Join’ on the FB event page to let us know you are coming, how many pax are turning up. Or just meet us at the starting point at 9am.
Brownie Code: We guide rain or shine.
The tour:
Bukit Brown Heritage Park is about 173 acres in extent, bordered by Lornie Road, Thomson Road and the Pan-Island Expressway. It lies just to the south of the Central Catchment Forest, being separated from it by Lornie Road and includes Singapore’s only Chinese Municipal Cemetery. With more than 100,000 graves, Bukit Brown is also one of the largest Chinese cemeteries outside of China.
Here is a map of the grounds:
Sunday 15 September 9 am – 11.30am
武吉布朗导览义工 Fabien Tee 和 Yik Han 将为大家介绍安葬于武吉布朗墓园的新加坡开埠先驱及达官
1. 我们多数时候是在柏油路上步行,但也会有小段的山路,因
2. 请穿着轻便和通风透气的衣服。如果你特别惹蚊虫叮咬或格
3. 安全第一,所以请穿上舒适的防滑鞋。你也可以考虑携带手
4. 我们建议你在游览武吉布郎前,先了解一下关于它的资讯及
5. 请携带饮用水、小点心、雨衣/
6. 请在前往武吉布郎前先上厕所,因为那里及附近一带都没有
自己开车:从罗尼路(Lornie Road)转入森路(Sime Road),然后转左进入罗弄哈哇(Lorong Halwa)。武吉布郎正门铁闸附近的空地可停车。
Bukit Brown. More than a cemetery. More than a Chinese cemetery.
Come discover our heritage, history and habitat.
Join Fabian as he tells you stories of the pioneers, from the personal to the political, and unravels the stories of the delicate and exquisitely carved panels inspired by Chinese culture and tradition.
LTA has released news on exhumation and tender for road building. Take this opportunity to experience Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery as it is now.
Day: Sunday 25 August 2013
Time: 9:00 am. to 11:30 a.m.
By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit brown cemetery I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so. To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward)
Registration: Our weekend public tours are FREE …
Optimally the group size is 30 participants (15 individuals/guide).
Please click ‘Join’ on the FB event page to let us know you are coming, how many pax are turning up. Or just meet us at the starting point at 9am.
Meeting Point: Bukit Brown Under the Rain tree at the roundabout.
It was Singapore’s 48th National Day and Bukit Brown’s 91st year. We sang the national anthem and recited the pledge with gusto and with pride. But when it came to observing a minute’s silence to honour the pioneers who are buried in Bukit Brown, there was a palpable sense of sadness. We remembered especially those whose graves are to be exhumed to make way for the highway..
James Tann captured this poignant moment as some 80 participants from the guided walks , stood shoulder to shoulder with the Brownies
And the celebrations continued with cake, supper and music in the air.
And there was music
Earlier, the participants had fanned out over all 5 hills on a 2 hour walk, as the Brownies shared stories from beyond the graves, of the trials and tribulations of the early pioneers. The Brownies who led the guided walks for NDP2013 :Many Stories, One Singapore@Bukit Brown were, Yik Han, Fabian, Catherine, Peter, Mil, Bianca and Claire.

The group which covered Hills 1 and 3 led by Brownie Mil Phuah took their group photo at her grandfather’s tomb cluster (Photo Mil Phuah)
One of the first groups to arrive were the heroes who completed the full walk starting from Kranji, through the rail corridor and ended at Bukit Brown for the guided walks. — at The National Day walk for a Greener Singapore: Former Rail Corridor-Central Catchment Area-Bukit Brown Cemetery.
As Claire led a guided walk over hills 5 and 2, . A.J. Leow, a participant reflected :
Somebody has to tell the next and this generation — Who came before us….We need more storytellers to tell our history
“Why 星汌 — when they first arrive (by sea), they see the shimmering lights — and they know it’s where the stars beckon. They have arrived in Singapore. 星汌 is our version of the Statue of Liberty, 星 加坡 seems a better choice than 新加坡. Think of 星汌 the lights of the shimmering harbor lights (stars) as they see Singapore for the first time” A.J. Leow
Darren Koh was moved to pen a tribute to the Brownies.
“On behalf of the how many thousands who have heard the many stories, the many histories, the many tales from the Brownies: I thank you. I thank you all for showing us a part of the warp and weft of history hidden to many of us. I thank you all for the passion that all of you have put, all that you have contributed whether by way of knowledge and research, by bush-bashing and discovery, by organisation and dissemination of information, by just being a friendly face that says hello, or just being there.
Were it not for the rise of the Brownies, the Tomb Whisperer and his brother alone would never have been able to reach out to so many.
It is said, “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.” In this instance, it was two women, and then many more – men and women who have joined in: one has gone ahead to her rest, but many still come.
All you Brownies – you earned that title. For your ceaseless search of tombs, for your ceaseless dissemination of the stories found. For the many tours you have led. For those moments when you look at greenery and cry a little wondering how, how could it be torn up – and then look into the eyes of those listening to your words about the pioneers and say “Let’s go to the next tomb..” Thank you”
From Theresa Teng: “What could be more meaningful than spending Singapore’s National Day in a place where pioneers of Singapore lay rested. A minute of silent was observed to commemorate the 4000+ tombs that will be sacrificed for a new highway, that will be build to cut right through Bukit Brown cemeteries.I’ve never been more proud of my adopted country than at this moment. Everyone united to stand for a cause. Mind you, there are plenty of foreigners in the group who cared so much about the heritage of Bukit Brown too.Hopefully, it’s still not too late for a miracle to happen. Just maybe…….”
From All Things Bukit Brown, in gratitude : Without the support and encouragement of the Heritage Singapore – Bukit Brown Community we would not have traveled so far. Thank you for walking shoulder to shoulder with us.
And last but not least, we end with a moving tribute to the 4,513 graves that will be exhumed at Bukit Brown. Matt Tan, penned the words in the Peranakan style of the pantun. Claire Leow translated with poetic license.
- “When stories are lost, the narrative is broken” (photo Victor Yue)
4,153 tempat tido akan di korek
ape yaukin di bikin
kehilangan cherita tak boleh di gantikan
4,153 in repose to be deposed
Why the urgency ?
When the stories are lost, the narrative is broken
Join Brownie Keng Kiat for guided walks Thursday 8th August and Sunday 11th August to Hills 4 and 1, respectively.
Time: 9am – 11.30am, Meeting place at the ‘ole raintree to the left as you enter the gates at Jalan Halwa
How to get there and handy tips here:
By agreeing to take this walking tour of bukit brown cemetery I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so.To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward)
Registration: Our weekend public tours are FREE … Optimally the group size is 30 participants (15 individuals/guide).
Please click ‘Join for August 8th walk here and Sunday August, 11th walk here. to us know you are coming, how many pax are turning up. Or just meet us at the starting point at 9am.
Brownie Code: We guide rain or shine.
武吉布朗导览义工 Fabien Tee 和 Yik Han 将为大家介绍安葬于武吉布朗墓园的新加坡开埠先驱及达官
1. 我们多数时候是在柏油路上步行,但也会有小段的山路,因
2. 请穿着轻便和通风透气的衣服。如果你特别惹蚊虫叮咬或格
3. 安全第一,所以请穿上舒适的防滑鞋。你也可以考虑携带手
4. 我们建议你在游览武吉布郎前,先了解一下关于它的资讯及
5. 请携带饮用水、小点心、雨衣/
6. 请在前往武吉布郎前先上厕所,因为那里及附近一带都没有
从罗尼路(Lornie Road)转入森路(Sime Road),然后转左进入罗弄哈哇(Lorong Halwa)。武吉布郎正门铁闸附近的空地可停车。
A tour has been organised by the local chapter of the global world travel site My Destination Singapore to be led by Brownies.
After just one tour to Bukit Brown, followed by a visit to the exhibition Bukit Brown: Our Roots, Our Future, its director Monika Khalid had this to say about Bukit Brown :
“We, the experts at My Destination Singapore, think that it is also one of the most beautiful and serene places on the island.“
If you are interested in joining this meet up tour, details are here. There is a write up here. “Like” the Singapore Destination Face book page to keep up to date with their activities. We like their tagline: Locally informed, Globally Inspired
As part of Bukit Brown : Our Roots, Our Future, a series of talks were programmed to enrich the exhibition which was held at the Chui Huay Lim Club, the co-organiser of the exhibition.
Here are the video recordings, released with kind permission from the speakers.
Sunday, 20th June 2013
Mok Ly Yng – A Historical Survey Of Bukit Brown
This historical survey of maps reviews the geography and distribution of cemeteries in Bukit Brown and its environs. It also traces the development and changes of the area from the mid 19th century to the 21st century.
Speaker’s bio: Mok Ly Yng is a freelance GIS consultant and map researcher. He received his M.Sc. in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) from the University of Edinburgh. He had worked previously in the Mapping Unit and the National Archives of Singapore.
Dr Ho Hua Chew – The Ecological and Biodiversity Importance of Bt Brown.
Having become forested through several decades of wild vegetation growth after being degazetted as a cemetery, the area generally has become attractive to many wildlife, in particular the forest birdlife. The talk will focus on the important and interesting forest wildlife that is recorded in the area.
Speaker’s bio: Dr Ho Hua Chew is the Vice-chairman of the Conservation Committee of the Nature Society (Singapore) as well as a Council member of the Society. He has been involved in conservation projects for the Society as a volunteer since the late 80s, including the formulation of Sungei Buloh conservation proposal and the Master Plan for Nature Conservation in Singapore.
Charles Goh – All things paranormal in BBC
Singapore’s own ghost buster, shares stories from beyond the graves, and findings from his investigations in paranormal activities.
Speakers bio : Charles Goh is the founder of the Asia Paranormal Investigators (API) which is a paranormal research based Society based in Singapore. API that strives to systematically analyze any strange occurrences happening in Singapore and around the region. Charles a trained guide with STB credentials has conducted many night tours at Bukit Brown
A very big THANK YOU to Brownie Ang Hock Chuan for videoing the talks!
The exhibition Bukit Brown : Our Roots, Our Future was officially opened by Ms Jane Ittogi Shanmugaratnam, Chair of the Singapore Art Museum, on the evening of 29 June, 2013.
Ms Ittogi, who had visited Bukit Brown with the Brownies in March 2013, shared her views and impressions. She spoke at length of the potential of its material culture for scholars. In particular, Bukit Brown’s preservation may rest on weighing the opportunity cost, its community value, and its universal value, she said.
Raymond Goh representing All Things Bukit Brown made an impassioned speech, sharing the significant discoveries which have emerged only in the last two years.
Photos of the opening and tour of the exhibition can be found here
Special Thanks to Ang Hock Chuan for the videography and our official photographers: Gan Su Lin & Bianca Polak
Photos of the opening and tour of the exhibition can be found here
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