On the Cusp of the Dragon Year, We Greet You!

9th February, 2024  The Year of The Dragon – The Cusp of a New Cycle “January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013 marked the Year of the Dragon. According to tradition, the dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac and symbolizes loyalty — it is noble, gentle, and intelligent, but also tactless, stubborn, and dogmatic. “ New York Public Library 2012 was the year a nascent community from different disciplines and interests – IT engineers, journalists, a pharmacist […]

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“Walking Tours Through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths” A Critique by Ng Yi-Sheng

31st January, 2023 So on Sunday 19 November, I turned up “Walking Tours through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths”, created by playwright Neo Hai Bin and the heritage group all things Bukit Brown, part of Singapore Writers Festival 2023… and while it wasn’t bad, I wasn’t impressed. Sure, it’s perfectly pleasant to wander the grounds of Bukit Brown Cemetery in the cool of a November morning, learning facts from volunteer Claire Leow about tomb design—overseas Chinese culture (didja know that only […]

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Shu & Tian

The Lawyer and his Beautiful Daughters by Catherine Lim

30th October, 2023  A post by Raymond Goh last evening, intrigued me as it was unraveled by tomb inscriptions. And then caught up in the moment, inspired me to compose a poem which I am sharing in this blog post.  It has been reworked since but remains in essence in the same spirit. It goes like this:    An Ode to Beauty and Justice  The Father Handsome is Mr. Koh, brilliant, his path of justice but sorrowful  his birth, for […]

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Let Keng Kiat  (97903886)  will introduce you to the pioneers of Hill 4  and what’s happening there including the  major ongoing  renovation and upgrading of the Tan Quee Lan family cluster. You may also meet a poet, a war hero, a beloved school principal and circus family. Time : 9.00am t0 11.30am Meeting Place: Under the large and beautiful, and possibly endangered, rain tree, at the Roundabout. After the main gate, go ahead another twenty metres, to the right of […]

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They are among the world’s brightest, nominated  for leadership, talent and contributions in the social and economic spheres to the World Economic Forum of Young Global Leaders. 40 of them dropped in at Bukit Brown on 23 October 2012, as part of a programme there were attending at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Volunteer Guides, Claire, Catherine, Keng Kiat and Millie took them on a one hour and half tour which only managed to cover three tombs […]

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Tour report: Photos by Philipp Aldrup. For more photos, click here This is what Bukit Brown looks like in early morning And this is what early morning participants look like at 7.30 am And if you want to know more about Philipp the photographer please visit his page —————————————————————————————————————————–   Time 7.30am – 10 am Keng Kiat (97903886) guiding. We will not be visiting the biggest tomb, nor the colourful Sikh guards. Highight is Keng Kiat will show and tell […]

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  Peter Pak and Andrew guiding. We will take a stroll around Hill 3. We will be visiting the biggest tomb, and the colourful Sikh guards. You will hear stories about the heritage as well as the nature that makes this a magical place ========================================= Come visit Bukit Brown Heritage Park and be introduced to some notable pioneers who had made great contributions to Singapore in the first half of the 20th century, and the historical context of their lives […]

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September 2024