I/V with Darren Koh – Newest Brownie Guide
It has been a long time coming, 3 years in gestation but Darren Koh – a pioneer member and solid contributor of the FB group community Singapore Heritage Bukit Brown Cemetery – has finally joined the ranks of Brownies who conduct guided walks. All Things Bukit Brown (atBB) caught up with Darren – whose day job is lecturing on taxation in a tertiary institution – and asks why now and what took him so long? atBB : You have […]
Sun 7 June, ’15 Guided Walk : 4pm – 6.30pm
It’s All Things Peranakan for this guided walk in a nod to the exhibition at the Peranakan Museum’s exhibition on “Great Peranakans” Join Catherine and Bianca as they take you to tombs of well known Peranankans and not so well known. Known as the “King’s Chinese”, the Peranakans straddled the challenges of twin loyalties to their ancestral roots and their colonial masters, expressed in the” fusion” or some might argue the “confusion” of their customs, traditions and thinking and […]
First Weekend of Every Month : Regular Guided Walks
In response to requests for forward planning from interested participants, atBB will commit to conducting regular guided walks at set time slot every first Saturday and Sunday of the month. Saturday 9 am – 11.30am Sunday 4 pm – 6.30pm Meeting place until further notice: Within the gates of Bukit Brown where there is a site construction office as you enter about 100 meters on your left. Please note: Disclaimer: By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit […]
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