On the Cusp of the Dragon Year, We Greet You!

9th February, 2024  The Year of The Dragon – The Cusp of a New Cycle “January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013 marked the Year of the Dragon. According to tradition, the dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac and symbolizes loyalty — it is noble, gentle, and intelligent, but also tactless, stubborn, and dogmatic. “ New York Public Library 2012 was the year a nascent community from different disciplines and interests – IT engineers, journalists, a pharmacist […]

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“Walking Tours Through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths” A Critique by Ng Yi-Sheng

31st January, 2023 So on Sunday 19 November, I turned up “Walking Tours through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths”, created by playwright Neo Hai Bin and the heritage group all things Bukit Brown, part of Singapore Writers Festival 2023… and while it wasn’t bad, I wasn’t impressed. Sure, it’s perfectly pleasant to wander the grounds of Bukit Brown Cemetery in the cool of a November morning, learning facts from volunteer Claire Leow about tomb design—overseas Chinese culture (didja know that only […]

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Shu & Tian

The Lawyer and his Beautiful Daughters by Catherine Lim

30th October, 2023  A post by Raymond Goh last evening, intrigued me as it was unraveled by tomb inscriptions. And then caught up in the moment, inspired me to compose a poem which I am sharing in this blog post.  It has been reworked since but remains in essence in the same spirit. It goes like this:    An Ode to Beauty and Justice  The Father Handsome is Mr. Koh, brilliant, his path of justice but sorrowful  his birth, for […]

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Mother’s Day – volunteer Guides Claire and Keng Kiat found half a dozen participants under the old rain tree despite the drizzle. The day starts off with an alert from Hock Chuan that Hill 3 was not passable by cars:     Fortunately we are not heading that way. The tour: The Bukit Brown area is about 233 hectares in extent, bordered by Lornie Road, Thomson Road and the Pan-Island Expressway. It lies just to the south of the Central […]

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The Beautiful Hill 2 of Bukit Brown Cemetery  is resplendent  history:  tomb stones carved in China with facial relief so expressive they will speak to you through  your guide Yik Han, whilst your other guide, Peter Pak will reveal hidden in  green nooks,   tombs guarded by Angels and Sikh Guards. And if you are lucky macaques may swing above in the canopy of trees  and birdsong fill the air, as  Hill 2 overlooks  a beautiful valley. Sadly the proposed […]

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Come celebrate Mother’s Day morning with our volunteer Guides: Claire and Keng Kiat (97903886), as they walk you around Bukit Brown and introduce you to some outstanding members of the fairer sex. Come with your grandmother, mother, daughter, granddaughter, etc, and find out that behind every successful man is … fill in the blanks yourself. Date: 13 May, Sunday Time: 9am to 12pmMeeting Place: Under the big and beautiful, and possibly endangered, rain tree, at the Roundabout. After the main […]

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My Ancestry at Bukit Brown by Lim Su Min. Saturday 21 April,9 am – 11 am.  I am Lim Su Min, a retired doctor and grandfather to 5 children. I have identified 7 direct ancestors buried at Bukit Brown going back 5 generations for me, 7 generations for my grandchildren. My ancestors reposing at Bukit Brown include the parents and grandparents of Dr. Lim Boon Keng and Tan Tock Seng’s son and grandson, Tan Kim Ching and Tan Boo Liat […]

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September 2024