On the Cusp of the Dragon Year, We Greet You!

9th February, 2024  The Year of The Dragon – The Cusp of a New Cycle “January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013 marked the Year of the Dragon. According to tradition, the dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac and symbolizes loyalty — it is noble, gentle, and intelligent, but also tactless, stubborn, and dogmatic. “ New York Public Library 2012 was the year a nascent community from different disciplines and interests – IT engineers, journalists, a pharmacist […]

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“Walking Tours Through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths” A Critique by Ng Yi-Sheng

31st January, 2023 So on Sunday 19 November, I turned up “Walking Tours through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths”, created by playwright Neo Hai Bin and the heritage group all things Bukit Brown, part of Singapore Writers Festival 2023… and while it wasn’t bad, I wasn’t impressed. Sure, it’s perfectly pleasant to wander the grounds of Bukit Brown Cemetery in the cool of a November morning, learning facts from volunteer Claire Leow about tomb design—overseas Chinese culture (didja know that only […]

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Shu & Tian

The Lawyer and his Beautiful Daughters by Catherine Lim

30th October, 2023  A post by Raymond Goh last evening, intrigued me as it was unraveled by tomb inscriptions. And then caught up in the moment, inspired me to compose a poem which I am sharing in this blog post.  It has been reworked since but remains in essence in the same spirit. It goes like this:    An Ode to Beauty and Justice  The Father Handsome is Mr. Koh, brilliant, his path of justice but sorrowful  his birth, for […]

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  Meeting Point for all  guided walks is at the main gates entrance at the end of Lorong Halwa If you have a facebook account, please register on the FB event page to give us an idea of numbers. If you don’t no worries, just turn up at the gates. Sat 8 March 2014 :  9am -11.30am – Ancestry run with Lim Su Min Su Min’s family connects to Seow Poh Leng, Tan Tock Seng and Lim Boon Keng. At […]

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  5 tours this coming weekend; 3 tours on Saturday 22nd Feb, 2 tours on Sunday 23 Feb: Please note meeting place for all tours is at entrance to Bukit Brown on Jalan Halwa. Please click on the facebook event links for more details and to register. 1) 22 Feb, 9am- Heritage Tour of Bukit Brown https://www.facebook.com/events/590327791055583/ 2) 22 Feb, 9am- Mandarin Tour https://www.facebook.com/events/270624349770213/ 3) 22nd Feb, 4pm- OutPost 65: Intro to Bukit Brown https://www.facebook.com/events/245889195583876/ 4) 23rd Feb, 9am- Heritage […]

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  Time 9 am – 12 pm MEETING POINT: Junction of Lorong Halwa, Kheam Hock Road and Sime Road. Feb 15, 1942 – Singapore, the “Impregnable Fortress” of the British Empire, falls to the Japanese invading forces. Visit Bukit Brown Cemetery, site of fierce battles involving British (4th Suffolks) and Indian (Royal Deccan Horses) forces, near a village of Chinese and Malay civilians had lived. Your guides are Claire and Ish Singh, and Peter Pak. Together they will help piece […]

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  2月9日(星期日) : 0900 – 1200 新加坡是个移民社会,不论文化习俗都是由移民所引进,但民间的往来,其实产生一种对流。以坟墓旁的锡克卫兵为例,这是新加坡槟城等地区的独特习俗,但金门墓地也有这类锡克卫兵,这是早期在新加坡工作致富的金门人将这本土文化引进金门。金门最著名的就是抗战碉堡,许多人以为是国共对抗期间建造的,其实它是由长眠于武吉布朗的黄肖岩和林则杨于抗日时所督建。一水之遥的厦门,在世纪发生小刀会起义,创办人陈庆真其实是新加坡出生的英籍华人,小刀会起义还蔓延到上海。武吉布朗导览员林志强将带你参观黄肖岩与小刀会家族,以及金门与厦门先贤坟墓,和你一起探讨这股文化思想之回流。 免责声明: “在本人同意参加武吉布朗的游览活动下,我了解及接受我必须具备体力上的条件。在法律容许的程度下,我同意承担自身及我所看护的人士(包括儿童或我所监护的人士)可能受到身体损伤的任何及所有风险。”若有任何疑点,一概以英文版为准。 Disclaimer: By agreeing to take this walking tour of Bukit Brown Cemetery, I understand and accept that I must be physically fit and able to do so.To the extent permissible by law, I agree to assume any and all risk of injury or bodily harm to myself and persons in my care (including child or ward). 报名: 我们在周末为公众提供的导览服务是免费的 理想人数为一团三十人(平均一名导览员十五人) 请在我们的Facebook活动页面按‘参加’/‘加入’,然后告诉我们共有多少人与你一同参加活动,或直接在活动当天在集合地点(按个别游览活动页面所示)与我们会合。 武吉布朗义工座右铭:风雨无阻,不见不散。 For information on how to get there and handy tips […]

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October 2024