On the Cusp of the Dragon Year, We Greet You!

9th February, 2024  The Year of The Dragon – The Cusp of a New Cycle “January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013 marked the Year of the Dragon. According to tradition, the dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac and symbolizes loyalty — it is noble, gentle, and intelligent, but also tactless, stubborn, and dogmatic. “ New York Public Library 2012 was the year a nascent community from different disciplines and interests – IT engineers, journalists, a pharmacist […]

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“Walking Tours Through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths” A Critique by Ng Yi-Sheng

31st January, 2023 So on Sunday 19 November, I turned up “Walking Tours through Lost Singapore: Haunted Paths”, created by playwright Neo Hai Bin and the heritage group all things Bukit Brown, part of Singapore Writers Festival 2023… and while it wasn’t bad, I wasn’t impressed. Sure, it’s perfectly pleasant to wander the grounds of Bukit Brown Cemetery in the cool of a November morning, learning facts from volunteer Claire Leow about tomb design—overseas Chinese culture (didja know that only […]

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Shu & Tian

The Lawyer and his Beautiful Daughters by Catherine Lim

30th October, 2023  A post by Raymond Goh last evening, intrigued me as it was unraveled by tomb inscriptions. And then caught up in the moment, inspired me to compose a poem which I am sharing in this blog post.  It has been reworked since but remains in essence in the same spirit. It goes like this:    An Ode to Beauty and Justice  The Father Handsome is Mr. Koh, brilliant, his path of justice but sorrowful  his birth, for […]

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  Pre- exhumation rituals for the nearly 4,000 pioneers who will have to be exhumed to make way for the highway, took place on the morning of Thursday, 28th November.  A short and simple ceremony, it was organised by the Land Transport Authority and  Swee Hong construction company  for descendants. More than 500 descendants together with well wishers and brownies were in attendance. The rituals were conducted by 7 members of the Inter Religious Organisation. Prayers were offered for the […]

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  Meeting Point for all events : As you enter the Jalan Halwa gates, on your left near the LTA container office,  under the soon to be endangered beautiful raintree. Friday 29 November, 5 pm – 7pm ” A Walk into the Past” with Andrew Lim Join Andrew as he takes you through the the former Kheam Hock Village into Bukit Brown and bids farewell to our poet of the south. Please bring torch lights for this guided walk Facebook […]

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  Walk into Twilight with Andrew Lim 22 Friday, Nov 2013. Time 5 pm to 7pm Andrew will be visiting the staked tombs which will have to make way for the highway in Hills 1, 2 and 5. Meeting place at the ole rain tree, on your left as you enter the gates  Please bring torch lights, as darkness falls fast. Facebook registration here Hills 1 & 4 with Fabian Tee, 23 Saturday, Nov 2013. Time 9am – 11.30am Meeting […]

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  Two Guided Walks this weekend Saturday 16, November 2013, Mandarin Tour 9am – 11.30am 一个小岛国的城市绿洲,武吉布朗,历史与丛林交汇的世外桃源! 武吉布朗导览义工 Fabien Tee, Andrew Lim 和 Yik Han 将为大家介绍安葬于武吉布朗墓园的新加坡开埠先驱及达官显要,这些先贤在二十世纪上半叶为新加坡作出了巨大的贡献. 我们也将探讨他们当时所处的历史背景。 在亲身瞻仰这些先贤的坟墓之余,大家也有机会认识墓碑和坟墓的不同设计及相关风水,以及了解华人的殡葬习俗。 陆路交通管理局授权的工程公司已经准备动工挖掘与迁坟,再过不久,4153座先贤的坟墓与遗骸将被发掘殆尽,道路工程也会开始,新加坡仅存的值得保留的历史遗迹也将被铲除。时间所剩不多,要了解武吉布朗的历史与文化价值就要赶紧参加我们的导览团。 集合地点: 环状绕道前的雨豆树下。可惜的是,这棵高大凛然的雨豆树可能也会因筑路工程而不保。坟场正门之后往前走大约20米,雨豆树就在土管局临时办事处的右边。 ======================================== 报名: 我们在周末为公众提供的导览服务是免费的 理想人数为一团三十人(平均一名导览员十五人) 请在我们的Facebook活动页面按‘参加’/‘加入’,然后告诉我们共有多少人与你一同参加活动,或直接在活动当天上午9时在集合地点与我们会合。风雨无阻,不见不散。 https://www.facebook.com/events/534978893253442/?ref_dashboard_filter=calendar Sunday 17 Nov, English “Moving House” Tour 9am – 11.30am Exhumations are scheduled to begin in December. Join Peter Pak to farewell the pioneers who will be “moving house” to make way for the highway. He will be taking you to the staked graves […]

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October 2024